Sleep Sweet: Our Top Tips for Helping Your Bub Get a Good Night Sleep

Sleep Sweet: Our Top Tips for Helping Your Bub Get a Good Night Sleep



There’s nothing worse than a baby or child who struggles to find sleep – both for the family and the little one! As a parent or guardian it can seem like a never ending struggle when they won’t go to sleep, or frequently wake up during the night. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favourite ways to lull our little ones off to sleep (they’re so good they can even work for you!)




Sleep Starts with the Bath

Bath-time can either been seen as fun, or the most painful time of the night for all involved. Adding a few scoops of Epsom Salts or Magnesium Flakes into the bath, along with the warm water can help to settle little one’s and prep them for a long, restorative night’s sleep.



The Magic of Magnesium

Magnesium has long been used as a way to soothe and calm. It’s a super important mineral that supports the body by regulating neurotransmitters that calm the nervous system – a major player in getting sleepy. Sprays, roll-ons and wipes can be used externally on the body (they work great on the soles of the feet) to help aid in sleep. You can shop our favourites here.



All Natural Bedding 

Cotton and natural fibres breathe, which is super important in ensuring your little one gets a good night’s sleep. We choose natural fibre bedding every time for their hypoallergenic and temperature regulating properties. They’ll keep your baby warm in the winter and cool in the summer – better sleep for you and your bub. 



The Power of Scent

Smell has a massive affect on the brain. They are stored in a long term memory and can take us straight back there with one sniff. Using a diffuser, spray or oil burner (though please make sure the candle is put out before you go to sleep) every night can help your little one understand that it’s rime to rest. We prefer using Lavender for it’s natural anti-anxiety and calming properties, or Willelaine's Calming Roll-on.



We hope this brings you and your little one some restful nights! What are your tops for getting off to sleep? 

All our love,

Miann & Co x

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